Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Argonaut Running Club

So back in March I saw that the Argonaut, a bar in my neighborhood that I like to patron, was starting a running club so naturally I did as the posts suggested and followed the Facebook page for this club. When I finally made it to the club it was almost April and the club had been going on almost half a year now. The club organizer Ariel and his wife Marissa were very friendly when I arrived as were the other members that were there.

The club has three routes you can take…a two mile loop, a four mile loop, and a six mile loop. My first day at the club I opted for the six mile loop with two other club members and Ariel…Ariel is super-fast but he stuck to our pace and it was a pleasant run and we all chatted our way to the end where the Argonaut has an extended happy hour for the running club…all beers $6 and under are half off.

Group pic before the run. Photo taken from Argonaut Running Club Facebook page
Once we got back I got to talk to all the runners and the organizers and had a wonderful time. I came back several more times sporadically as the club meets at 6PM on Fridays and sometimes I will have plans with the boyfriend and can’t go and in July I got injured again and couldn’t run almost three months but when I did return Ariel and Marissa remembered me and asked about my races and my injury and were very nice as always making me feel very welcome which is awesome because I am naturally a very shy person and get social anxiety.

Before getting injured in July the club ran the Capital Hill Classic 10K as a team and the club provided us with club shirts which were awesome New Balance singlets!
The club before starting the Capital Hill Classic. Photo taken from Argonaut Running Club Facebook page
Now that the weather has been getting colder and it’s getting dark out before the run most of the club members have opted to do the two mile loop so we can get back to the Argonaut sooner to enjoy beer and conversation. The club is for all level of runners and you can even show up just for the happy hour like I have been doing since Fridays are one of the days I normally run…I like to do a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and one weekend day type thing.

On November 20th the club is having a special event…Runner Appreciation Night….they will have several sponsors present and giveaways in addition to the run and awesome time we normally have just hanging out. The club is open to everyone so if you live in the H St area or just want to come out and run with us please do! You can check out an article about the club in the latest edition of Run Washington.

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