Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ragnar DC 2015

Last weekend I ran Ragnar DC with 10 other awesome ladies in support of Girls on the Run DC (we couldn’t find a 12th runner). If you haven’t heard of Ragnar it is a 200ish mile relay race where you can have a team of 12 (regular) or 6 (ultra) runners who are assigned specific legs of the race (3 or 6 each depending on your type of team) for a total of 36 legs that vary in length and difficulty. For a regular team runners 1-6 are in Van 1 and runners 7-12 are in Van 2. Van 1 starts out with runner one who then runs to the first exchange where there van will meet them for runner 2 to hop out and start running while runner 1 gets back in the van. This process continues until exchange 6 which is the first major exchange where runner 6 will handoff to runner 7 and the process continues again until runner 12 then hands off to runner 1 for the process to continue until everyone has run a total of 3 legs. Ragnar DC begins in Rocky Gap in Cumberland, MD and this year ended at The Yards Park in Washington DC. In previous years it had ended at National Harbor.
Girls on the Run DC announced on the Facebook event page that they would have a team and to join you had to sign up to be a Girls on the Run Sole Mate and Raise $300 dollars. I’ve always wanted to run for charity but was afraid because of some of the very large requirements some have but $300 seemed doable so I was in. Once I raised $300 girls on the run paid for my entry, the van rental, and gas and even provided volunteers which each team is required to provide three of if they want to participate. Girls on the Run also provided us with a goody bag full of awesome things!

I was in Van 2 and volunteered to be team captain and take on the runner 12 spot which had the most mileage at 28.9 miles total…the last run was 11.9 miles. When I first volunteered for this spot the runs were much shorter with a total of about 24 miles and not until later did I realize they upped the mileage.
Getting ready for my first leg
Each team is assigned a start time based on pace/start time requests. Our team had a 7:15AM start time so our Van 1 members opted to spend Thursday night at a hotel near the start. For Van 2 I picked up my teammates at 9AM Friday morning and we made our way to our starting line 2 hours away.
The weather that weekend was brutal! It rained all Friday and Saturday with strong winds. Van 2 started off running at almost 1PM. I started leg 12 was 7.4 miles with a huge hill around mile 3 that ran up to a little past mile 5 and then had rolling hills until the end. I started at 6:30PM I was done it was about 7:30PM which means I got to run most of it in the dark….you are required to wear a headlamp, LED tail light, and reflective vest if you are running during the night time hours and if you aren’t running you have to wear the vest only. After my first leg which I ran through rain and huge wind gusts I was shivering like crazy so I took a shower at the major exchange #12 which was a high school. Our team stopped at Uno for a late dinner after which we drove to the next major exchange to try and nap while we waited for Van 1 to pass us the baton…or slap bracelet in this case. When I did Ragnar 2 years ago the weather was hot and dry so we could sleep on a grassy field in sleeping bags…this year not possible…being the driver I had to try and sleep in the driver’s seat which was very uncomfortable and being a light sleeper I got no sleep at all. When Runner 6 came along around 1AM Van 2 was once again on the road. For leg 24 I started around 5AM to run 9.7 miles…seemed like the hardest miles I’ve ever ran…I was cold it was cold outside and raining and windy. The course was deemed “Very Hard” by Ragnar and it was! A lot of rolling hills with mostly uphills it seemed like. I saw on team actually exchange runners half way through…this isn’t technically legal but I don’t blame them.  Once I got to the finish I was very relieved and immediately changed into dry clothes. At this point Van 1 would take over again but they had several injuries and were down to three runners so since runner 11 had their second leg cancelled due to poor road conditions on the course she took on the third legs for runners 1 and 2 a total of 7 miles as her cancelled leg had been 9.2. Once runner 11 was done we headed to the next major exchange to try and take a nap and wait for it to be our turn to start our final legs. At this point I was had about an hour of sleep and was dehydrated so I felt exhausted! I wasn’t sure I could run 12 miles…so we decided to split up leg 12 into two 6 mile segments which I shared with Runner 11 since runner 10 who had a total of only about 10 miles wanted a few more miles and took on her 1.8 mile final leg along with the 6.1 mile leg for runner 11. I ate a pro bar a few hours before I was supposed to start running but it did not seem to settle well as I immediately got a side stich that would not go away. Once I started my final 6 miles my side stich was extremely painful and I had to stop and walk or slow down my pace several times. Luckily the weather was not as cold or rainy as before but it was starting to take a turn for worse with winds picking up and drizzle starting to fall. About halfway through I ran into a group of runners also making their way to the finish. They were running at a slower pace than me…probably because they had done the whole 12….but since I was still in pain I decided to run with them and as we chatted our way to the end the company really helped to keep my mind off my side stich. I finally made my way across the finish a little before 5PM to where my team awaited me. It was such a relief to finally be done! I was exhausted and freezing and quite sore. My boyfriend came to pick me up and drove a few of my teammates home along the way. We did not stay for the finish line festival since it was very cold out and we were all tired and I was cold and wet. Van 1 was not at the finish since they were done about 4 hours before we were and just wanted to go home. 

Making my way to the finish line
Overall I had a great time and would definitely do it again and hopefully the weather won’t be so bad next time which I am sure will make the experience much more enjoyable. If you’ve never done a Ragnar I suggest you check it out and also check out their trail series where you camp instead of drive and run 3 trail loops around the campsite….I’m planning to do their Richmond one this coming April.
Van 2 at the Finish and the MEDAL!

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