Friday, April 10, 2015

Cross Training- Yoga

So back in October 2014 when I moved to DC and just started running again after my 5ish month running hiatus…thanks piriformis…I thought why not do yoga to help me with my flexibility/mobility issues that have contributed to my running injuries. One of my new roommates happened to practice yoga quite frequently and recommended I try Yoga District as they had a location just a few blocks from us and are one of the more affordable studios in the area.

I signed up online first by using their new two classes for one deal for new students…so it ended up being $6 a class normally a one class pass is $12. I enjoyed both my classes which were Power Yoga Levels 1-2 on Thursday nights and Heated Flow Yoga 1-2 on Sunday afternoons.

Me and my new Jade yoga this new mat and highly recommend it
Power Yoga seemed to focus more on strengthening than flexibility while Flow Yoga worked on both. Heated Flow Yoga is the same as Flow Yoga except they put the heat up and use space heaters  to get the room to about 85 degrees (Yoga District offers Flow regularly and heated flow just on Sundays….at least at my location).

After my first two classes I bought a 10 class pass that cost me almost $100 with tax and I had 3 months to use the 10 classes. For the next two months I went 1-2 times a week but after continuing to struggle with pains while running from muscle tightness I decided to really dedicate myself and purchase their unlimited monthly pass that cost about $90 and came with a 3 month minimum. It’s now been about a month and a half since I got on this plan and I have been going on average 3-4 times a week and have really noticed improved flexibility that translates to my runs and to everyday life. Yoga also really helps counteract sitting in a chair all day at work.

The teachers at Yoga District that I’ve had have been great. I really like going to Kate A’s, Cara G’s, and Stacey’s classes for Flow Yoga and Klydie’s class for Power Yoga which really is a great strength workout. The studio that I go to is on H St NE and from what I have heard it is a bit smaller than their other studios but it works for me especially only having to walk a few blocks to get there from home after work. I plan on going to their Bloomingdale location soon since the bf lives near it and I’m trying to get him to do some yoga…he does a lot of CrossFit type workouts and is running now that I signed him up for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler so a little yoga would be great for him too.

If you live near one of Yoga District’s locations I would recommend you get their new student deal and check them out.

Yoga District on H St NE

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